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Hidden Valley
Ranch Aioli

Design concepts for testing a sub-branded, ranch-flavored mayo/aioli. Explore solutions where each featured images of the flavor cues or food pairing.


Retain the brand’s equity while looking different from the dressing line. The label needed to communicate aioli from H.V.R. and stand out on the mayo shelf where most competitors’ bottles are clear with the white sauce. 


The logo is prominently featured to help with brand recognition in a new section of the store. The valley image and the H.V.R. green color in the top two-thirds of the package create a strong brand presence in a shelf set of bottles with white and blue graphics. The Aioli sub-brand speaks to similar products and creates a unique character. The bottom third of the package features the flavor imagery and color band, leaving a see-through portion to show the product inside. A dark green cap reinforces an important brand equity color.

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